Here’s Your Action Plan

Enough about us. You may or may not have read Who We Are and What We Do, but you are ready for action. Here’s the plan, depending on who you are.


If you are a potential ally, if your values line up with our treaty, let’s talk about getting busy, strategically, continually, and immediately.  Call today to discuss

  1. how to generate more business,
  2. how to serve our clients better, and
  3. how to build mutual raving fans

Contact us today (303-783-5760) to set up an appointment to discuss joining the alliance.


If you are a potential client, if you are unhappy with the level to which prospects find you or your visitors take action, here’s your action plan. Each step has a correlating question.

Is Web traffic important to your business?

If so, you must commit certain resources (time and/or money) to this task.

  • What percentage of your income do you direct towards securing future business? Some dedicate 10%; the more aggressive dedicate more.
  • What activities are you currently focusing this investment on?
  • How are the returns on this investment?
  • What are you frustrated with?
  • What Web activity are you including?

The action Plan for Getting More Traffic

  1. Answer the above questions honestly and openly
  2. Collect visitor statistics
  3. Identify keywords (at least initial keywords) for Search
  4. Talk to a trusted Web strategist about your answers in the next 2 business days.
  5. Decide directly if the strategies are worth immediate pursuit

Of course, if our values align, we want to be that expert, who helps you with both strategy and implementation.

Are you ready for action? This is your call! Let’s chat today (303-783-5760), look at your priorities, test a schedule of activity and keep moving forward, and upward toward your goals!


Are a good percentage of your visitors doing what you want them to do?

If not, you must commit certain resources (time and/or money) to this task.

  • What do you need your Web visitors to do to advance your business?
  • What percentage of visitors are engaging with you as you’d like? If don’t know, you must install some sort of analytics on your web site.
  • Is your Website’s user experience (UX) tailored to the ideal visitors on your site? It is tailored to the devices (PC, smartphone, tablet, other) they are using?
  • Are you building followers in addition to clients?
  • Are you only building followers, and not clients?

The action Plan for Converting More Visitors

  1. Answer the above questions honestly and openly
  2. Know your market; detail who they are, what they like, what they truly want, what motivates them and what discourages them;
  3. Segment your audience
  4. Detail your sales path for each segment
  5. Name exactly what you want each segment to do, to become customers, to become followers and to become fans
  6. Collect existing conversion statistics
  7. Talk to a trusted Web strategist about your answers in the next 2 business days.
  8. Decide directly if the strategies are worth immediate pursuit

Of course, if our values align, we want to be that expert, who helps you with both strategy and implementation.

Are you ready for action? This is your call! Let’s chat today (303-783-5760), look at your priorities, test a schedule of activity and keep moving forward, and upward toward your goals!