Team Dave Logan Three Estimates always suggests that you get three estimates before making any purchase with one of their companies.

TDL diligently pre-screens and interviews all the companies on but they do not regulate pricing. Each company provides a different level of service and those services are priced accordingly. Different companies have different prices for different levels of service.

The choice is yours of which company you want to use. Other things to consider:

  1. You might want a company that uses only the highest quality of materials.
  2. You might want a company that can get the cost down by using the bare minimum of quality as you are going to sell the property and just want it to look spruced up.
  3. You might want a company that can fix your problem NOW and are willing to pay to have your problem fixed quickly.
  4. You might want an estimate for a few months down the road as you are going to have to budget for the repair and just need a budget price.
  5. You might want to stay in your home for 30 more years and you want it done right with an extended warranty included. All of these services and products have different pricing structures.
  6. If you’ve used the same company for years, are they still competitive? You may want to double check to make sure the company that you’ve been loyal to is still running under the same business model and under the same management.

Things change over the years, so we suggest three estimates – every time.


When you need a great recommendation… make it FIRST!