Are lots of the right people finding you?

If what you offer is relevant to the market, they are looking for you! Finding you is another matter.We can check on their activity and how well the competition is grabbing their queries before they get to you.

Finally, we can formulate an ongoing strategy to effectively get those ready to engage with your online message, in larger and larger numbers.We can also explore alternative means of meeting your market where they hang out and draw them into the conversations and experiences you want them to have.

Are they taking action to become customers?

If they are getting to your web site, they should be doing what you want them to do. If you don’t know what you want them to do, we start there, by figuring that out what would profit you most, both in the short term and the long term.

In the short term, your visitors motivation should be stoked, their anxieties resolved and all friction reduced for a smooth experience down the sales path.

Analytics should be in place tracking conversion statics to inform future decisions for future refinements.

Modern websites must constantly evolve to always be ready to accept the business that is ready to happen.

Are you nurturing tireless referrers?

Your strategy should not stop with creating customers. What you really want is raving fans, those who gladly and frequently direct those they know to you.

This does not happen by accident or automatically, unfortunately. But with the right, custom, regular activity, a community of fans can be cultivated to regularly generate fruit for your business.